(*Design and art by Loren)
Relative of the meirdog, komoras are nocturnal, carnivorous creatures with generally amiable temperaments. Their natural habitats include desert terrain, caves and mountain tundra. Because of their capability to move on their hind legs and to dig their claws into high ledges, they are known as expert climbers.
It is possible to ride a komora if one is highly skilled, however the komora will buck it sees a rider get close. It has a keen sense of hearing and therefore must be approached from above. The komora will likely look up and try to reach the intended rider, which gives said person approximately 2-3 seconds to leap on its back before it attacks.
The komora is not able to see its back and side without turning. It will try to snap at its rider but if one muzzles the creature quickly, one can turn the creature in the direction it wishes to go. It will be very incensed and it is recommended one flee the vicinity as soon as one reaches one's destination.